Track The Planet

hold on a few seconds...

{{ progress }}


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Use the app Tracky to record your tracks on your Android phone.
Activate the option TrackMe to upload your position to this website so that your friends can follow you in real-time.
Your name will show up in red if:
  • your phone could not upload your position in time
  • your position hardly changed for over 10 minutes
  • your phone is running low on batteries and uploading is about to stop
By this, your friends can see if you are in trouble and come and rescue you! Try it for free!
select from latest trackers:
  • {{}}
enter nickname and pin:
  • {{}}


{{ trackMeUser.onlineStatusText }}
update overdue for {{ -trackMeUser.nextUpdate | seconds }}
next update in {{ 0 | seconds }}...
next update in {{ trackMeUser.nextUpdate | seconds }}
not moving since {{ trackMeUser.timeAtLastXMeters | mydatedetailed }}
{{ trackMeUser.speed | speed:metric }}      {{ trackMeUser.battery | percentage100 }}
enter pin: